graphic design / art direction

Bold Insight

Bold Insight is a UX and human factors research agency. The research they do helps inform better product design, helping clients create safer and more effective experiences for their users.

Due to the nature of the maintaining clients work confidential, most of the client design work I’ve had the privilege of doing cannot be shared externally.

A majority of the client design work I do at Bold Insight is IFUs (Instructions for Use) for pharmaceutical and medical device companies. I enjoy this work because it involves a lot of problem solving and thinking of human behavior. I’ve worked on many IFU projects that involved iterative research; meaning I observe how people interact with the IFUs, and make design changes to try to improve users experience for the next round of testing.

I can however share some of the fun marketing and sales materials shown below.

Interesting in hearing more? I’d love to talk with you about my design work at Bold Insight!

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